In this post i am going to tell you 1st year Chemistry Guess Paper - 11th Class Chemistry Important Question 2020 And Past Paper Important Question
1)What is yield ? Actual Yield usually less than theoretical yield Why?
2)Deference between atom and molecule?
3)Define ion and give two examples
4)What is deference between homoatomic and hetroatomic Molecule Give Example?
5)Define limited reactant?
6)Give steps involved to identify a limited reactant ?
7)Write Two Assumption of stoichiometry ?
8)MG Heavier than that of carbon atom why?
9)Define Atomic mass unit,Give its value in grams?
10)Deference between Empirical And Moleculer Formula?
11)What is mass Spectrum?
12)What are Main points or steps for determination of molecular formula?
13)Define Atomicity
14)What is percentage yield?
15)Deference between actual yield and theoretical yield?
16)What is Mole and molar volume?
1st year Chemistry Guess Paper - 11th Class Chemistry Important Question
Chapter 1 Chemistry Important Question
2)Deference between atom and molecule?
3)Define ion and give two examples
4)What is deference between homoatomic and hetroatomic Molecule Give Example?
5)Define limited reactant?
6)Give steps involved to identify a limited reactant ?
7)Write Two Assumption of stoichiometry ?
8)MG Heavier than that of carbon atom why?
9)Define Atomic mass unit,Give its value in grams?
10)Deference between Empirical And Moleculer Formula?
11)What is mass Spectrum?
12)What are Main points or steps for determination of molecular formula?
13)Define Atomicity
14)What is percentage yield?
15)Deference between actual yield and theoretical yield?
16)What is Mole and molar volume?
Chapter 2 Chemistry Important Question
17)What is filter medium . Name two
18)Define crystallization
19)Why sintered glass crucible is preferred to gooch crucible
20)Define sublimation with two example
21)Describe the method to collect crystals from its mother liquor
22)What is fluted paper
23)Defference between absorption and partition chromatography
24)Name of steps which are used in crystallization
25)What is stationary phase and mobile phase
26)Disadvantage of slow crystallization
27)Method of drying of crystals
28)What is distribution law and partition law
29)Give uses of chromatography
Chapter 3 Chemistry Important Question
30)What is boyl’s law
31)What is natural and artificial plasma
32)Why gases show non ideal behavior at low temperature and high temperature
33)What is graham law
34)What is Fahrenheit scale
35)What is charles law
36)Define critical temperature and the critical volume of gases
37)Kinetic molecular theory
38)What is diffusion and effusion
39)What is pressure
40)What is absolute zero
41)Water vapour do not behave ideally at 273K
42)What is critical pressure and temperature
43)Describe Dalton law
44)What is thermometry
45)Describe two causes of Deviation from ideality
46)What is Joule Thomson Effect
47)What is plasma state
48)SO2 IS NON ideal at 273 k, But behaves like an ideal gas at 327 k?
Chapter 4 Chemistry Important Question
49)What that is non conductor of electricity?
50)What is London Dispersion forces?
51)Properties of molecular solid?
52)What is heat of fusion and molar heat of vaporization?
53)What is anisotropy?
54)Why diamond is hard and an electrically insulator
55) What is Dipole Dipole forces
56)What is unit cell
57)Why evaporation take place at all temperature
58)Why boiling point of water is different at Murree hill and at Mount Everest
59)What is boiling point
60)Why do we feel cooling affect after taking bath
61)What is polymorphism
62)Why metals are good conductor
63)Why heat of sublimation is greater than heat of vaporization
64)Why intermolecular forces are weaker than interamolecular forces
65)Ionic crystal are highly brittle.why
66)Cleavage of the crystals its itself anisotropic
67)What is amorphous solid and crystalline solids
68)Importance of vacuum distillation
69)Evaporation cause cooling why
70)What is isomorphism
71)Working of pressure cooker
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