enzymes definition |Characteristics of enzymes structure and composition of enzymes


What are enzymes  Characteristics of enzymes structure and composition of enzymes

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What are enzymes

Characteristics of enzymes structure and composition of enzymes
What is enzymes?

Definition of enzymes?

enzymes are biologically active proteins and are called biological catalysts they speed up a chemical reaction without being consumed during the reaction

Structure and Composition of enzymes

Enzymes are composed of hundreds of amino acids.
enzymes are globular protein i.e amino acids are joined and coiled to form a globular structure.
Enzymes are three dimensional globular protein
Example of enzymes
Sucrase ,diastase , cellulase , pepsin , trypsin are some examples of enzymes

Characteristics of enzymes

1) Structure.

All of the enzymes are 3 dimensional globular proteins. They retain their structure during and after the chemical reaction.

2) biocatalysts

Enzymes are biological catalysts as they accelerate a chemical reaction aur rate of a chemical reaction without being used up during the chemical reaction

3) efficiency

each enzyme molecule has the ability to change or transform 100 to 1000 substrate molecules into products is Second

@ so are single exam can break Dawn 10 power 1,00,000 molecules at a time

4) specificity

enzymes are specific in their action generally a single enzyme catalyzes a specific or particular Substrate.

5) sensitivity

Enzymes are also sensitive to specific environment change for example :
enzymes work only on specific pH for example pepsin in acidic PH and Lipases in basic PH,
ii) temperature
at specific temperature their efficiency increase. While at low temperature enzyme activity is also reduce . increasing temperature can be nature or kill the answer too.

6) Assistency

Enzymes equired certain co-factors for their proper functioning

7) activation energy

E A is the amount of energy required to activate the molecules and change them into products. enzymes lower the of the reactions so that a chemical reaction occurs more speedly and with the use of less energy

8) damaging effects

some enzymes are damaging if they become active at the wrong place
For example pepsin is a protein digesting enzyme it can destroy a cell internal structure. So it is produced is an inactive form pepsinogen by the cheief cell of stomatch in clause in the membrane bonded bodies for lysosomes.

9) attachment

Most enzymes do not clot in in cytoplasm but are attached to the membrane in the cell for exaample chloroplast etc

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Characteristics of enzymes Biology notes What are enzymes

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